
Weinstein SM, Lee HH, Dziak JJ, Berbaum ML, Zhang T, Avenetti D, Sandoval A, Martin M.  Examining caregiver- and family-level psychosocial influences on child oral health behavioral outcomes in racially and economically minoritized urban families.  Children. 21 July 2024.

Martin MA, Sundararajan V, Ochoa N, Dziak J, Berbaum M, Lee HH, Avenetti DM, Zhang T, Sandoval A, Torres J, Wu A.  Oral health behaviors for young low-income urban children during the COVID-19 pandemic: A mixed methods analysis.  Children. 1 August 2023.

Lee HH, Dziak JJ, Avenetti DM, Berbaum ML, Edomwande Y, Kliebhan M, Zhang T, Licona-Martinez K, Martin M.  Association between neighborhood disadvantage and children's oral health outcomes in urban families in the Chicago area.  Frontiers in Public Health. 28 June 2023. 

Avenetti DM, Martin MA, Gansky SA, Ramos-Gomez FJ, Hyde S, Van Horn R, Jue B, Rosales GF, Cheng NF, Shiboski CH.  Calibration and reliability testing of a novel asynchronous photographic plaque scoring system in young children.  J Public Health Dent, 13 Feb 2023. 

Lee HH, Avenetti D, Edomwande Y, Sundararajan V, Cui L, Berbaum M, Nordgren R, Sandoval A, Martin M. Oral community health worker-led interventions in households with average levels of psychosocial factors.  Frontiers in Oral Health. 10 August 2022. 

Martin MA, Avenetti D, Lee HH, Nordgren R, Berbaum ML, Edomwande Y, Cui L, Sandoval A. Community health worker intervention to improve tooth brushing in young children: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial.  Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 29 Jun 2022. 

Ramos-Gomez FJ, Martin MA, Nelson SS, Borrelli B, Henshaw MM, Curtan S, Lindau HE, Rueras N, Sandoval AS, Gansky S. COVID-19 impact on community-based participatory randomized controlled trials - lessons from the oral health disparities in children consortium.  Fron Dent Med. 08 July 2021.

Martin M, Pugach O, Avenetti D, Lee H, Salazar S, Rosales G, Songthangtham N.  Oral health behaviors in very young children in low-income urban areas in Chicago, Illinois, 2018-2019.  Prev Chronic Dis. 3 Dec 2020.

Lee HH, Ochoa N, Moragne-O'Neal N, Rosales GF, Pugach O, Shadamoro A, Martin MA. Can an instrument validated to assess parent-child interactions in the laboratory setting be applied to home based observations? Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2021 Jan 15.

Avenetti D, Lee HH, Pugach O, Rosales G, Sandoval A, Martin M. Tooth brushing behaviors and fluoridated toothpaste use among children less than three years old in Chicago, IL. Journal of Dentistry for Children. 15 Jan 2020.

Martin MA, Zimmerman LJ, Rosales GF, Lee HH, Songthangtham N, Pugach O, Sandoval AS, Avenetti D, Alvarez G, Gansky SA. Design and sample characteristics of Coordinated Oral health Promotion (CO-OP) Chicago: A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 30 Dec 2019.

Martin M, Rosales G, Sandoval A, Lee H, Pugach O, Avenetti D, Alvarez G, Diaz A. What really happens in the home: A comparison of parent-reported and observed tooth brushing behaviors for young children. BMC Oral Health. 21 Feb 2019 

Martin MA, Lee HH, Landa J, Minier M, Avenetti D, Sandoval A.  Formative research implications on design of a randomized controlled trial for oral health promotion in children.  Pilot Feasibility Stud, 4 Oct 2018.

Martin M, Frese W, Lumsden C, and Sandoval A. Building a pediatric oral health training curriculum for community health workers. J. Public Health Manag. Prac. May/Jun 2018.